Photo by Max Fischer from Pexels
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, notes the keeper’s observation that the Repubs’ use of the “Jim Jones” approach of using death to deal with life’s issues appears to be working for them.
From ingesting horse worm medication to gathering in Sturgis to sneeze on each other to conducting crowded meetings with their clown-cult leader, the Repubs are showing the world an impressive thirst for the final Kool-Aid.
Tragically, they are foisting their monumental ignorance—the essential ingredient of their success, onto the kids as they now head for school.
As mind boggling as the failure to do anything about school shootings is, it pales in comparison to crowding unmasked kids into classrooms to pass around a disease that is killing some of them, as well as their parents and grandparents.
In keeping with the Repubs’ revisionist history whereby slavery was good, the Covid epidemic will be taught in school as beneficial from a housing standpoint. It is what the kids will learn—unless the Repubs get them to drink that Kool-Aid first.