Photo by Bill Stokes
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, stayed home as the keeper and Phyllis did the Vincent Van Gogh “immersion” in Milwaukee whereby unique technology and lighting produces the sensation of cavorting across the French countryside with Vincent on starlight nights and sunny flower-strewn days.
Photo-artist Phyllis came away duly impressed with Van Gogh’s dedication and talent, while the keeper developed a mild earache, which was treated with beer and German food at Mader’s, just down the street from where the keeper once collected his Mil. Jour. paycheck and expense account.
It was a great day, and, of course, it spawned memories of other great days when the keeper roamed the state in a company car, poking his nose into everything to produce his “The State of Things” column. There was never a better journalism job, and Phyllis had to hear details of it as the keeper medicated with a liter of Mader’s best lager while polka music was played and food was delivered.
The keeper hopes he did not cause an ear problem for Phyllis, but he might have, as unrestrained as he can be in recounting his past with the kind of people who would have been Van Gogh friends, even after his unfortunate ear incident. (What a column that would have made!)