Artwork by Michael DiMilo
By Geoff Carter
Why can’t we get off this merry-go-round?
Despite the availability of safe and effective Covid19 vaccines, the nation is experiencing a new spike in cases—the worse since last winter—especially among children and young adults, in populations that refuse to get vaccinated.
Despite seemingly overwhelming evidence that he sought to incite a riot—and succeeded, the DOJ has so far refused to indict ex-President Trump for his part in the January 6th Capitol riot. As of today, only a fraction of the rioters he incited has been tried or sentenced.
Despite numerous ballot recounts in several battleground states (especially Arizona) that have not provided an iota of evidence that the 2020 presidential election was in any way compromised, there are still those (including prominent US Senators and Representatives) who profess the election was stolen.
Why can’t we put an end to the pandemic, to the big lie, or bring the insurrectionists to justice? Why can’t we break these cycles of lies? Why are we still wandering through the funhouse?
There is scientific proof that the COVID vaccines are safe, yet millions refuse them, creating unnecessary health hazards in their communities. There is irrefutable proof that thousands of Americans engaged in treason on January 6th, yet our justice system is moving excruciatingly slowly to bring them to justice. And finally, why has Donald Trump not been indicted for inciting a riot? Or, perhaps, more appropriately, a coup. Is there a deficiency in our system, in our will, or in ourselves? The short answer is yes.
As of today, only 50.6% of all adult Americans have been completely vaccinated. There is no cost, no shortage, and no lack of encouragement for all Americans to get the shot. Yet nearly half the population has balked at getting it. As a result, the delta variant, a mutation of the virus, has spread rapidly into areas with low vaccination rates, causing infection rates as bad or worse than the pandemic spikes last winter. Louisiana, Washington, D.C., and other states and municipalities are reinstating mask mandates while others are considering stronger measures. On July 27th, the CDC issued new guidelines advising everyone to wear masks indoors. Intensive care units in areas of Missouri and Arkansas are filled beyond capacity with COVID-19 patients—again.
Donald Trump was recorded making a phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger shortly after the presidential election in which he told the secretary to “find” more votes, specifically “11,780 votes, which is one more than we have.” (The New York Times, Jan.3rd, 2021). According to author and CNN analyst Elie Honig, “It’s a federal crime to deprive a state of a fair election, to solicit false counting of ballots, false certification of an election…to conspire against the United States (CNN Aug. 6th, 2021) I’m no lawyer, but it seems to me as though Trump hit the trifecta with that single phone call. Also submitted for your approval: Trump’s January 6th speech to a crowd of one hundred of his followers in which he encouraged them to march on the Capitol and find for the country—which resulted, of course, in the January 6th riot in which at least six people died. Damning evidence but too damned little being done about it.
We still hear cries of “Stop the Steal” even though, after at least presidential recounts including Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona, and thirty-four lawsuits disputing the integrity of the elections themselves, nothing illegal or improper was found. Arizona, however, wouldn’t let go. Even after several audits have confirmed the vote, Governor Doug Ducey certified the election, and courts reconfirmed the elections, the Republicans still decided to do it all over again. Never mind that even if through some miracle Arizona’s electoral votes could somehow be awarded to Trump, he still would not have enough win the election.
Republicans decided to perform a recount of Maricopa County votes, approving the funds to hire a private company that supported Trump’s fraudulent election claims. Some auditors searched ballots for secret watermarks and traces of bamboo, which they claimed would prove an assertion that ballots were of Chinese origin.
It’s time to stop the craziness. It boggles the imagination that a few incredibly stubborn, uncompromising, and greedy zealots are holding the rest of the country hostage. Why do we allow the hare-brained anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists given platforms to spread the vile and deadly lies? They have indirectly—and directly—caused the deaths of thousands.
Why aren’t more of the January 6th terrorists being indicted and prosecuted? Why—in spite of—the mountains of video and audio video evidence against them, aren’t more of them being tried for conspiracy, treason, or murder? Why isn’t their ringleader being held responsible for his reckless and seditious behavior?
Why are we still listening to a small group of strident extremists insist that the 2020 presidential election was stolen? There is no proof. After three recounts and thirty-four lawsuits, there is still no proof. Yet the lie lives on, and on, and on. We can’t break the cycle.
This country has been through an extremely rough period. We’ve survived a pandemic, a corrupt and inept Administration, and a near coup of our democracy. We would like to put this unpleasantness behind us, but a small, vocal—and very powerful—contingent of power brokers does not want to let it go. They want to stay in power. They want that brass ring back.
Enough is enough. The carnival is over. It’s time to break the cycle. It’s time to get out of the funhouse.