Photo by Bill Stokes
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, sympathizes with Phyllis as she contends with the keeper’s futile efforts to slow up the passage of time by surrounding himself with the artifacts of his past. Most recently it was a hand tool for shearing sheep, something the keeper remembers watching neighbors use to shear the small family flock.
The unique made-in-England item takes its place with the keeper’s chicken catcher, his chicken-caponizing kit, and his pig-ringing tool, all of which he is willing to lend to anyone faced with old-time farm chores. The loan would, of course, come with advice, except in the case of the caponizing kit, which the keeper has no memory of having been used. He does, however, remember his Uncle Ralph’s pig castration knife and how three pigs died of lockjaw after it was used on them.
In the twists of his mind, the keeper uses such earthy rural memories to help him put current calamity into perspective; he does so by imagining some of his collectible farm tools—chicken catcher, sheep shearer etc.– being used on any number of the narcissistic political fools now making news.
Phyllis, ever tolerant and understanding, indulges the keeper while trying to avoid his closet of collectibles.